Life is strange journey that sometimes takes me places I want to warn others about. Filled with laughter, tears, frustration, and a great deal of swearing, this is a slice of my life as it happens or, in some cases, as I wish it would happen.
28 Jan 2009
Just Go and Send me Thanks
I don't need to explain this. Two of my favourite things in a comic strip: aliens and predators.
27 Jan 2009
Coming Out Okay
I was sitting at home alone watching reruns of cartoons and I was very unhappy. He was out with some friends and I had chosen to stay home. By myself. Miserable. As I sat there, I realized that I was unhappy not only because of the heart-wrenching ordeal I have just been through but also because I had decided that I would do this alone. Again. I sat there, miserable, and made another decision; a different one this time, one that I should have made a long time ago but was always too scared to go through with. I decided to apologise.
Even though we were both at fault for various things that have happened, I needed to tell him that I am sorry. I needed to let him know that even though I have this ridiculous image of myself running through my head that I strive to maintain at all costs, I need him in my life because he is my partner. One could argue that he is possibly the only person who can actually handle me. Point is, I made a mistake and I had to apologise for it.
I chose to try again with him because I realized the futility of continuing on the way I have been. I don't want to start over again and again when all I really need to do is tend to what I already have. I refuse to be that woman who is angry at the world and terribly bitter because she can't let anyone in for fear of being hurt. I have spent too much of my life being angry and it has netted me nothing. Time to let go of it.
I realize that I will probably lose more friends because of this. No one likes to see someone else happy when they aren't, so I'm fully expecting people to drop me. It amazes me though that people who bitch and moan about how terrible their lives are don't do anything to right it. They would rather see themselves proven correct than actually try and change things. I did that for years and it made me miserable. I don't want to be miserable anymore.
I am still having a hard time dealing with our loss, but now it's our loss and not just mine. That makes it easier to bear, knowing that he's there and understands how I feel. We will probably try again sometime down the road but for now I'm okay with just having him and Oscar.
24 Jan 2009
What Attempts to Destroy You...
11 Jan 2009
A Guy Like Oscar

9 Jan 2009
What a Great Idea
I can't say anymore than that. Go check it out. You won't be sorry...some of the pictures the cat has taken are better than most of the photos people put up on their sites.
Other than that awesome blog, nothing is really happening. I'm going to my mother's tomorrow so she can learn me how to knit. I tried this once before and was so stressed out by the entire process that I vowed to never do it again. I've since changed my mind because I like torturing myself and giving my mother yet another reason to be disappointed in me. She's going to feed me so it won't be all for naught. Maybe this time I can actually complete a square instead of throwing the yarn in the garbage in a blinding rage. It will be nice to hang out with my mom. My step-father won't be there so it will be nice and quiet with the possibility of some giggling.
I make my mom out to be some horrible woman but she really isn't. She used to have unusually high expectations of me, which in my youth I did my best to attain, but now that I'm older and she's mellowed out we get along fine. She is finally understanding my lack of drive to succeed in an office environment and is beginning to come to terms with the fact that I will be quitting my job to write full time. She is proud of me for doing what I've needed to to pay the rent while at the same cultivating my desire to be creative. I think her biggest fear when I first started writing was that I would quit everything and just sit at home waiting for writing jobs to land in my lap. I've managed to be fortunate enough in that I can pick and choose which projects I take and I am well paid for them. Not too many people can say that. Now that she finally understands what the whole writing thing means to me she is much more relaxed and doesn't get that parental-panicked look at the thought of possibly having to fork over cash for my rent because my cheque hasn't arrived.
Anyway. Things are good and I am happy. The end.
6 Jan 2009
Sadness + Loneliness = Awesome Writing Fodder
5 Jan 2009
Thank God That's Over
For Christmas, the boy's parents gave me LEGO Death Star. It measures 16 inches in diameter with 24 lego dudes including the trash compactor monster. I haven't cracked it open yet but apparently I have to invite everyone over for a Death Star building party. As if I'm going to share that with anyone. I'm planning to open it soon and once the building starts I'm going to bore all of you with endless photos and commentary. Don't say you weren't warned.
There are a lot of things that I am looking forward to in 2009. Some may happen and others definitely will happen whether I want them to or not but I will be content with the end result whatever that may be. This is usually the point where I say something incredibly prolific (that's a real word, I didn't just make it up) but I am too tired to pull anything out of my hat right now. Next time I'll say something doubly prolific. Promise.