Yesterday was fantastic. A bunch of us gathered over at the Gaymesmaster's house to play an extended version of the game we played on my birthday. In this version, there is a map of an entire land with paths and towns and dungeons that we, as the adventuring heroes, have to explore and loot as needed.
Last night we didn't get very far. In this version, the dungeons have three sections to it (connected by a sparkly portal...oooh), and after seven hours we only managed to get through the first two parts of the first dungeon. We're thinking that we'll probably get through the rest of the dungeon during our next session. Or maybe not...
I like playing boardgames. Sitting around a table with my friends, plotting to destroy the evil Overlord; that's good times. Even better on a lazy Sunday when the alternative might have been to clean the apartment. The trick is to get started early, and by starting at 2pm, we managed to still have part of the day to run around and do whatever needed to be done before going to the game. Plus, next time we play we will know what we're doing so hopefully we can finally buy the damn boat.
There are three types of roads in the game: normal, river and secret. Normal you take whenever; you don't need anything special to travel on it. River paths require a boat which requires money which requires killing monsters in dungeons and on paths. Ditto for secret paths, except we need a map which I think is twice as much as the boat. What's interesting about this is that when you buy the boat somehow it magically comes with you. Not sure how that works but I'm sure wizards are involved. After finishing the dungeon, we'll go back to town and buy the boat and then continue on. Unless someone has a better idea?