2 Sept 2009


One of the things I enjoy most about writing my blog is the reactions I get. Sometimes it takes a bit of time for other people's feelings to make their way to me, but they always do and I am always astounded at how people interpret my words. It doesn't matter what I say or how I say it, there will always be a group of people ready to spring into action and twist things around to suit whatever mood they happen to be in at that particular moment. I know this, and I accept it.

A few things have happened recently to make me think long and hard about what I'm doing. The choices I have made recently are turning out to be exactly what I need at this moment; from reconnecting with friends I thought were long-gone to meeting new people to starting school next week. I understand that my happiness at this moment stings others who are no longer as close to me as they once were, yet I am not disturbed by that. When I hear of others moving on and achieving success, my first thoughts are congratulatory, not bitter. I don't want the people around me to fail, I want them to succeed and do well at whatever they want to do and when they are happy, I want them to stay that was for a reasonable amount of time. Everything ebbs, everything flows and so it goes.

I realize that my language at times is confusing and, for those who don't know me, downright abrasive. Keep in mind that these are my feelings, and I am allowed to have them and express them even if they don't mirror yours. The fact that I am happy should be something for others to see and recognize and applaud, as it has been quite some time since this has happened. The fact that my happiness coincides with previous choices I made should not take away from the overall message that even someone as surly as me can be happy. You just have to be willing to work for it.


Chewie said...

Well there's yer problem... you can be downright abrasive and surly! That's gotta be why people aren't gettin' ya!
Some duct tape and plumber's putty'll fix that right up. ;)

Bailey said...

Abrasive and surly is perhaps inaccurate... I was thinking more along the lines of corrosive and curmudgeonly. As far as solutions, how about a frog, a jar of Dippity Doo, and a pencil? That should set things aright, alas, alackaday!