Today I have to go off-site and scorekeep for a judging competition for one of the Associations I work with. I made sure that both of my bosses were aware that I would need to use the laptop and the data projector today as the boardroom where the judging is taking place is not equipped with such things. I also decided to use my personal computer to keep track of the scores so that once I returned to the office I could immediately upload the information to the committee in charge and they would not have any reason to yell at me. With all my careful planning and ensuring that those in charge of the equipment were in the know as to what I needed and when you would think this would be easy, right? Fairly straightforward stuff, right? Wrong.
I get into the office this morning to find the laptop missing. The laptop that has all the images and everything else that I pre-loaded 0n it for today. Gone. Despite my reminders to both my bosses, despite the fact that I need this equipment to do my fucking job, they decided to take it home last night. You would have thought that they would make sure it was here for me, wouldn't you? Nope. Eff you, October. You're stupid if you think we're here to help make your already impossible-to-do job any easier. Holy shit am I mad. To top it all off, my co-worker called my boss at home to tell her to bring it in and is now telling everyone else in the office how I am over-reacting to the situation. I am sitting at my shitty desk, listening to them laugh about my 'temper'. You think this is a display of my temper? This mild outburst of irritation? Wait until I burn the fucking building down. With my mind.
It will all work out. My boss will show up with the laptop all apologetic and I will smile and say 'no problem' while I'm Dexter-ing her in my head. I seriously need out of here. I cannot stand it when the people in charge consistently drop the ball and expect me to be able to react and fix things. I could have just used my own computer and done the scoring by hand but that is not the point. When I say I need something for my job, I expect it to be there. Period. I don't think that's unreasonable at all.
And if you are thinking of saying something clever and/or witty in the comments section, don't. Because I am so not in the mood right now.
1 comment:
That last comment was so meant for me, wasn't it? ;)
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