23 Mar 2010

I Was Right All Along

People have always told me that I'm too negative. 'You need to brighten up,' they say. "You are far too dark; don't you believe in the purity of the humna soul?'

Aha. Purity of the human soul. What a crock of shit. People, if given the choice and reasonably certain of not being caught, will always fuck you over. People are not pure, and they sure as hell aren't going to change anytime soon. That's just the way things are though, right?

I like to think that no good deed goes unpunished, and no rotten deed goes unnoticed. Today I was walking back to my office after lunch and I was startled to hear a loud crunching sound. I turned and saw that a woman had hit a car as she was pulling out of her parking spot. I stood there wondering what she and her companion were going to do next. I could clearly see that there was damage to the other car. Since I was standing right there watching, I thought that would give them the nudge needed to 'do the right thing' and leave a note on the other car's windshield. Purity of the human soul, where were you?

They left. They just backed up and left the parking lot. No note, no nothing, just exit stage left and thanks for all the fish. Unfortunately for them though, I jotted down the licence plate number and phoned in the accident anonymously.

Don't fuck with karma because it's much bigger than you and will hurt you.


Chewie said...

Thanks for all the fish?
OHMYGOD! Dolphins were driving the car?!

Bailey said...

You are correct in that it is a truism that a guarantee of anonymity is a guarantee of criminal behaviour. This is why the crime rate in small communities is close to zero, since everyone is watching all the time.
That said, the tone of this post suggests that it might be time for you to consider getting out of the city, either for a while or permanently, to repair your soul and shed the despair you seem to be considering. Free-lance writing can happen anywhere there is an internet connexion...
Regard the Desiderata....