Every morning that I take the bus to work, I see the same woman get on with her four children. This might seem like no big deal but listen: this woman manages to wrangle four kids every morning and get them out the door in time to catch the bus. Four. I have a hard time getting my boyfriend out of bed, and here's this woman with her four kids getting to the bus on time every day. Geez. We have missed the bus a few times due to him meandering instead of getting his shit together. I marvel each and every time she gets on at how well behaved they are. They sit down close to her, no whining, and the older ones either read or talk quietly with her until they reach their stop. Just an absolute wonder to behold. It seems though, that my wonderment is not shared by other patrons of the bus, you know, the public transportation vehicle that everybody's taxes pay for. This is why people suck.
The woman with four kids gets ready to get off the bus. She stands up, unlocks the wheels of the stroller, and walks backwards to the front of the bus where her other two children are. We get to the stop, the two small children hop off and a very large woman tries to get on, sees the stroller, huffs, and gets off. The woman with the stroller backs off the bus and tries to move away from the door of the bus but can't. Why? BECAUSE THE OTHER WOMAN IS BLOCKING HER. Finally, the other woman gets it and moves, and stroller lady walks away with her kids. As the other woman gets on the bus, she says to the driver, loud enough for everyone including stroller lady to hear, 'People shouldn't come to this country and have so many children for everyone else to pay for.'
I'm sorry, what? Who shouldn't come to this country and have so many children? The Japanese woman with four kids whose husband sees her off before going to work? Or the very rude enormous black woman who was on her way to Wal-mart? Wow. Just. . . wow.
Let me guess, I am being racist for saying all of this because I am white, right? Let me tell you something: rude people are all the same. They are RUDE. I don't give a shit about most people because the majority of them suck and this just illustrates my point perfectly. Why is it okay for people to say things like that? I couldn't retort even though I wanted to because I was afraid of her playing the race card. People like that just wait for someone to confront them so they can say it's a hate crime. Fuck that shit and fuck that woman. She is the reason there are so many stereotypes about her culture and she does nothing to stop it.
Honestly, I don't give a shit about what anyone says. Rudeness has no colour, no race, and no sex. Rude people are all the same regardless of where they originate from. We are all immigrants in this country; each of us originally came from somewhere else and it's time people realized that and stopped being so fucking intolerant of others.
Except me. I am awesome and I don't need to tolerate other people's shit, especially if I disagree with it.
Shit like that drives me crazy!! I've gotten into more arguments on the TTC than I can count, from people who should know WAY better. It can be so depressing. Assholes come in all shapes and colours, but hopefully if enough people call them on their shitty, racist, sexist and homophobic crap, they'll think twice before they spew more vitrol. Grrrr...... But I for one, would be grateful to have someone like you around when shit like this goes down!
What you are describing here is something I have come to call 'The Asshole Factor'. It has become obvious that assholes come in all sizes, shapes, and colours. The propensity for a given individual to behave like an asshole is determined not by race, colour, socioeconomic status, sexual preference, gender, church of choice, or employment situation, but a simple decision to do so. This means that assholes are persons who, most often, have made up their minds to be assholes and make other people's lives difficult, for no other reason than it makes them feel powerful. Self-righteous fucktards like this need to join my church... yes I have a church. It's called The Temple of the Blessed Lead-Deficient, and joining is easy. We simply apply 168 grains of lead at a suitable velocity to the area just behind a supplicant's ear, and hey. presto! Membership is just that easy, folks... but we only accept proven assholes.
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