28 Oct 2010

NaNoWriMo Strikes Again

I am going to attempt to do this again this year. Last year I failed utterly; although it's hard to really fail something that isn't judged by anyone other than yourself. Last year I wrote approximately 2, 023 words and I was very proud of those words. Each one was carefully selected and arranged in a specific sequence to match exactly what I was thinking at the time. Since no one was standing over my shoulder, I slacked off and didn't finish. Sigh. This year will be different though.

The point of this whole thing, for me anyway, is to prove that I can apply myself to something and succeed. I write and edit for a living yet I do not put time aside for my personal writing. I have often wondered why and the answer is pretty simple: I am fucking lazy. So, enough is enough. I know it's hard to get motivated after ten or twelve hours of rewriting other people's work and crafting professional pieces of communication; however, it's imperitive that I grit my teeth and just do it.

Part of this is coming from my need to get outside of my comfort zone. I have been very complacent in allowing things to just happen, falsely believing that good things will occur if I just give it more time. My very wise older brother told me recently that he wondered when I would realize that we live a very short life. M, I got it. I totally got it. You are very wise and very smart and I thank the stars that you are here to guide me in the gentle manner that you do. I love you.

Time to get to work.


Bailey said...

I am glad to hear that you are finding your Way, esp since you so richly deserve to do so.
Also, you spelled 'imperative' wrong.
Thought you should know.

Chewie said...

GO TEAM!!! ;)