10 Sept 2012

That Was A Close One

I debated deleting this blog for a number of reasons. Time is always a factor and I never seem to have enough of it in order to do everything on my list. That most likely won't change any time soon, so I might as well suck it up and figure it out. Another thing to consider is this: no one is standing over me demanding that I blog. It is merely a tool for me to get into the habit of writing on a regular basis. And so, the blog survives once again.

I have lots to say as it has been a bit of a stretch since my last post. One of the most important things that I need to say is how grateful I am to be surrounded by women, not girls. I have had some difficulty in the past with taking care of others to the detriment of my own sanity and well-being and I am happy to say that I no longer feel the need to do that. The people I surround myself with are open, honest, and mature; people who can, and do, communicate how they are feeling and seek to rectify the harm they may inadvertently cause in the process. I cannot tell you how satisfying it is to share that kind of friendship with people, a wonderfully well-balanced friendship that is symbiotic.

One more thing: I saw Star Wars: Identities this past weekend in Montreal. If you can't go (it closes next weekend and then moves to Calgary), watch this teaser over and over again and then plan your trip.

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