4 Feb 2013

So Much Frustration

Why is it that I am constantly in a state of frustration with people around me? Why can't I just accept that people are different: they have different ways of doing things and even though those ways are not my ways, that does not mean they are wrong. Except, of course, when they are wrong.

This is normally where I would launch into a gigantic rant about people and how I wish they would just all go away because my way is obviously better and I know so much more than they do. I am not going to do that though, and not just because there is too much material for me to rant about. It's because I have learned what the rules are, or rather, what the biggest rule is.

No one really cares about anyone's situation except their own. 

The power struggles we engage in on a daily basis illustrates how delicately inferior we all feel towards one another. When you don't answer an email, the other person doesn't care that you are under deadline or dealing with a sick loved one. All they see is that you haven't answered their mundane email, and by doing so, have told them that they don't rank high enough on your radar to warrant a response.

That's fucked up, isn't it?

There are always exceptions to this, and those people who can magically understand what 'busy' means and not take offense to it are wonderful and should be cherished. 

I make sure I answer every email, even if I don't have the answer right away, to at least let the sender know that I've seen it. It's stupid and dumb and petty but saves me a shit-ton of drama that I just don't need. that way, when I do fuck up and forget something, the backlash is less harsh than it would have been if I'd been like the rest of the world and ignored them from the get-go.

I just need to get other on board with this and we'll all be just fine. But that won't happen, because of the rule. Until that changes, there's always alcohol.

1 comment:

Bailey said...

Speaking of power struggles, have you read the Celestine Prophecy? I know, cheezy marketing, but there is a description in there of how the power balances you allude to work. Most insightful, although not immediately useful. That requires a lifetime of contemplative consideration......and a lot of OM!ing.