19 Mar 2013

Weird Stuff...I Guess?!

The weirdest thing has happened. I say 'weirdest' because quite frankly, I don't know how else to process it. Maybe I should have used a thesaurus but I was lazy and went with weirdest. Whatever.

I never thought of myself as drinking more than the average person. Sure, there were/are times when I over-indulge(d) but for the most part I am a responsible drinker. Part of that stems from watching my father get drunk and nasty when I was a kid: I saw that and vowed to not be that person. The other part is the headache the next day. I don't like that, and I don't like feeling as if I swallowed a pile of donkey shit.

When my husband and I went to the Bahamas last week, I became quite ill with heatstroke. Luckily it was the last day so I didn't miss anything. We had gone to an all-inclusive resort and was very impressed with the food and service. Because it was an all-inclusive, drinks were on the house. There was a temptation to get shit-faced but I didn't. I wanted to enjoy my trip.

And that's the point where I grew up.

I still had cocktails, just not a bunch. I found that after a few days of reduced drinking, and I am aware of how that makes me sound, I felt better. Once home, I continued the new behaviour and I have found that my medication is actually working. Weird, right? Medication that clearly states you should not drink actually works when you don't drink. Wow. I sleep better, eat better, and react to  people and situations better. Who knew?

I feel amazing. I feel lighter in the brain and more focused on what I want rather than reacting to what I have. I have not felt this good since being diagnosed with severe depression a few years ago.

Time for a celebratory pint. 


halfdar said...

Speaking of 'not knowing how else to process this', is this entry intended as satire?
Are the fragments 'my medication' and 'is actually working' metaphorical, colloquial, or rhetorical in any way? Am I reading far more into this than there is, or am I on to you, you sneaky person?

Once again, having to prove i am NOT a robot is raciss', bitches.

halfdar said...

Any updates?