18 Feb 2010

This Is It

After much inner debating, I have decided to stop trying to make things burst into flame using only my mind. It appears as though I simply cannot do it and although that inability makes me sad, I also see the reasoning behind it. If I could harness the power of fire I would misuse it completely.

On a different note, I have also decided to start writing more. My difficulty to date has been based on sheer exhaustion when I get home and an unwillingness to open my laptop. I need to start training myself to write a few lines every night. Morning writing is out, as I need what little sleep I am getting and I am not willing to trade it for the possibility of maybe writing a couple words before the coffee brews. Work has me stressed out and when I am stressed out I don't sleep. BG is sick, which doesn't help me as he tosses and turns in his medicated delirium.

I have entered the love/hate stage of my job. One minute I am swearing I won't go back in and the next I'm saying it's the best job I've ever had. Not sure what's going to happen but I feel that change is coming soon. What form that will take is anyone's guess, including my own.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go practice teleporting.

1 comment:

Chewie said...

Whoa! Where did you come from?!