8 Dec 2014

Stuff that's on my mind

You know when you work too much and feel like crap? That's where I am right now. I finished writing another book last month (in and around NaNoWriMo which was totally for me and completely worth the stress now that it's done) and now that it's in the editing phase, I'm kind of at a loss of what to do.

I have a few other projects on the go that I suppose I could apply more time to but I am fucking tired. My brain feels like there have been too many people traipsing around inside it for far too long and now that they're all gone, the silence is terrifying.

I always feel as though I need to be doing something. I know I've got another 40 - 50 years left on this hunk of dirt and I want to make it worthwhile but how exactly do you do that? It seems as though things like that aren't really up to you to decide; it's up to those who come after you to say whether you did neat-o stuff or not. 

Not that it matters. I mean, if it doesn't matter to you now, why would matter then? I've never been one to look to the crowd for acceptance and I don't imagine I'll start any time soon. It's far too much fun being unexpected.

Hedgehog with raspberry
Look at this hedgehog, for instance. Do you think he gives a shit about whoever is holding the camera? Doesn't look like it to me. He is far too wrapped up in his raspberry to care about what anyone else is thinking. 

Be like the hedgehog. Ignore the camera. Eat the berry. Savour every last morsel of that berry and when you're done, go find another one and do the exact same thing all over again.

All the time ignoring the camera and whoever is behind it. Those people don't understand why you are ignoring them and will keep watching to see if you make a mistake. You won't. You're eating a raspberry and enjoying it.

Life is truly too short to not eat the berries.