13 May 2013

Wake Up

Every morning I wake up and try to find a reason to get out of bed. I mean, I have a job and know that I have to get up but there are times where I lay in bed and mentally list the reasons why I should get up. Here are a few:

1. I probably have to pee because I haven't all night and my bladder is probably full.

2. Daphne and Oscar are hungry and/or sitting on my chest restricting my breathing.

3. Someone texted and I have to see who it is and what they want because I NEED TO KNOW NOW.

4. I have new pants/shoes/shirt I should take the tags off and wear.

5. I am hungry and there is leftover Swiss Chalet in the fridge. 

After I figure it all out and convince myself that I should get up, it's smooth sailing from there. The rest of the day usually flows by and then it starts over the next morning. Which is why I am thinking that I should make a huge list and put it on the ceiling so that when I open my eyes it's right there and I don't have to think.

Flaw: I doubt I will be able to convince my husband that it isn't weird and that it's perfectly normal to have things like that on the ceiling. 

I didn't used to have trouble getting out of bed. There was a time when I would wake up before the alarm went off and I bounded up and out and showered and ate breakfast and everything with enough time to saunter to the subway. Now it's a mad dash: the alarm goes off and I reset it. The new time does not leave me enough time to have breakfast; I barely have time to shower. I do this every morning and I cannot seem to snap out of it. I go to bed at a reasonable time and as far as I know I sleep pretty well. 


I have to figure this out. I am getting really tired of the morning scramble.

1 comment:

Danny Mexen said...

How to say this... um, years ago I was stuck between Apes and Monkies. I went for Apes... and vowed to check on who took Monkies... and here we are.

That was odd and embarrassing. I'm sorry... i jus read your blog and...


do you tweet?