16 Oct 2008

Wearing a Fedora Like JT Makes You Less Creepy

You know when you're on the subway and you're tired everything seems to be a bit surreal? Things happen on the subway all the time and usually I just brush them off and go about my business. Last night though, on my way home from work, something really odd happened and at first I thought I had dreamed it. It wasn't until I checked my purse and found tangible proof that I realized it had happened. Then I burst out laughing all over again.

I got off the subway at my usual stop and was walking towards the stairs when I noticed a well-dressed young man in a fedora walking towards me. I noticed him because he reminded me of Justin Timberlake; tall and lanky, looked like a great dancer, that kind of guy. Plus, the fedora. Anyway, he's walking towards me and as I pass him, he tips his hat to me. I was surprised, but kind of touched as he did that. A true gentleman will tip his hat when he passes a lady, and clearly this guy has seen some movies...or something. I nod back and continue on my way. I thought that was the end of it until I heard a voice behind me call out, " Excuse me, miss."

I kept walking as I was not interested in having any kind of conversation with some strange guy who should have creeped me out but didn't because of his resemblence to JT. He came up behind me and touched me on the shoulder. I turned around, getting a bit annoyed, and just looked at him. He then launched into a soliloquy about how beautiful I am, how elegantly dressed I am and then drops an unexpected bomb on me. He said that he would be honored if I would allow him to be my lover.

I am not kidding. He said those words to me. Stunned, I shook my head and told him that although I was very flattered, I was married and that would not be possible. He frowned a bit, then said that being married wasn't a problem and that it didn't matter. I replied that it mattered to me, and turned to go. As I did, he pressed his card into my hand. I looked down at it and as I walked away he said that if I ever changed my mind I could contact him. Sure enough on the front of the card was his complete contact information. I was about halfway up the stairs when I heard him call after me to flip the card over. I did, and burst out laughing. I spun around and as he was still at the bottom of the stairs, called down to him that he must be good if he's certified.

The back of his card read that he is a certified graduate of a sexual guru program.

The biggest issue surrounding this is why was it okay for him to approach me when clearly he was after the same thing that most men are after when they try and talk to you in the subway? For me, it was the fact that he was polite and had manners. Most guys don't understand that when you deal with women, especially women you don't know, the best thing to do is to be polite and know when to make your exit. This guy spoke to me, made his point, bantered and then let me go about my business. That's how you do it.

Oh, and get a fedora.

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