10 Jun 2008

One of the Best Days

This day started out great. I slept in a little bit, was woken up very nicely and then driven to my office job. Once there, I sent in an invoice to a magazine that I freelance at and asked if there was anything they wanted me to do for them. They responded with a very vague sort of description of what they wanted and I said sure. I don't really know music very well and since this is a music based article it would be good for me to cut my teeth and get into that genre. And then I was told what the article is about and pretty much shit myself at my desk.

The article is all about bands that use their fans to make videos and gain exposure through Youtube and other video-based stuff that fans send in. Along with that are a bunch of contests and various other publicity things set up by various marketing geniuses. This was all very intriguing to me as I remember NIN doing something a few years back that involved a track on their cd that was open for editing. Fans were encouraged to fiddle with the track and then send it back to Trent who would select his favourites and then...do something with them. Look, I'm really excited right now and I can't think straight. Shoot me for not getting it all right.

So for this article I have to interview various people, both bands and marketing gurus who thought up all these neat ways for record labels to save money. These people include NIN, The Offspring and Placebo. That's right; you heard me. I have to interview three great bands plus their marketing people for my article.

And I'm being paid for it. All you who said I'd never make it: Eat it.

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